December 26, 2008


I think it's safe to say that everyone loves Christmas, no? The Christmas decorations ZOMG I HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE FETISH, Christmas carols and just the spirit of Christmas!! Don't ask me to define the spirit of Christmas though. I'd like to think that everyone has this Santa kawaii-ness to them during Christmas but hey, that's just me. *laughs bimbotically*

Did i mention that people get unhealthily high during Christmas? Or maybe it's just Berenice and i again. I think it started with the working out cause after that, my abs were aching mostly cause of laughing too much. In fact, by midnight i was sprawled out on the floor laughing while trying to update my blog, sing two lines of The Man Who Can't Be Moved and argue with her over worx, worz and orhx simultaneously. This is what we managed to type out;

sy anyhing hha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahha nt bad not bad i've been t the year 30000 it me to the fuure nd i saw everothing hello mla lalmalay by guy man woman hey ow bouti chat with you here?? =] smiley abe babh babah babeh!! imNAI imaine that we are mute oiiink oi tethernw emoooo emogooooooooo i do't know i don't know yeah weih i'm getting good at this wn woudnl't woudn't wouldn't you agre? greeeee agerr agreee berenc3 bereni berenice emo be i nice be noecoenonononononono gg5 ggfied ggfying od lou loud ae t

no 04h

youre so prizing is tomorrow what the hell is priingou weyeys were so7ndtrck f mty sumeru're nienoy ohe ou'll a;ways b myundder nohing *does nin thingy* indin , dust proof! nothing will affect it1 virtually invincibl wter bottle nothing's coming nohing nuttin nothig nothing

rain rainisn rinsimn rainism egooooo emoooooo egggogo gg take it nd go emo nd go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i was crazy of tis abcdeffghlhilhijklmnopqstuvwxyz

meili s cray worxxxx :Dorhx nononon worzzzzrhx lala me is miss euu worzzz !!!orx la nonono worzzz! orhx nonou uiuicuj cuisytcuuhcidyxgyssta nothing's oming and you spoiling my sexy kyboard worxx!^^ you xhecheated NO you seee wrongly!! lemespamme you spasm? wut?? hahaahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahhthis is real this me wrx

s yeah we we fr supper and i hd vanilla shake ad she had watrmelon juice and thenwe ent to gylang butno gayworx i mean orhx how come? =[ so then she want to ee so she pee in the tupperware ith biscuits and the biscuitsabsorbed the pee so geng hor? butvery smelly but liucky nobdy fang pi i ntmore smelly ahahahaha i o brush teeth now savvy?

siicoe silicone silicon your mama dnt now imm a sexy mama this i rea thi is me exactly wherei'm supposed to be na let the lig SHINE ONME

After supper (which i mentioned in paragraph 6 *points above*), all 5 of us went to Bertrand's room to watch videos till about 4.30 in the morning. Bryan went off to sleep so the remaining 4 of us played Bridge till we started zombie-fying at about 6 in the morning. We finally went to bed and just as i was about to fall asleep, kor's alarm started ringing!! Shyeah, Merry Christmas. XD

December 15, 2008

Graduation and Prom

October 18th, 2008

Mathematical Reasoning
Premise 1: my size in Padini is XS.
Premise 2: i bought my shirt in M because of the length of my arms.
Conclusion: i have unproportionally long arms. -.-'

This is my best friend
Huey Shan

These are the girls
Qi Jun, Mei Li, Huey Shan

These are the ugly red robes
Ugly red robe, ugly red robe, ugly red robe

These are the Lambda-ians
Qi Jun, Yee Jin, Mei Li

This is my gang
Mei Li, Qi Jun, Yee Jin, Huey Shan

Who's line is it anyway? Bollywood videos

This is my pet brother
Yee Jin

This is my flower

I have a flower fetish

Flowers are not edible

These are the other girls
Huey Shan, Mei Li, Pui Ying

This is my family

December 14th, 2008

Every girl dreams of her prom night. I am not like every girl. I was dreading my prom night. You know what else i'm dreading? Updating my blog about my prom night. Lazy la.. XD

Basically, we managed to run off to Starbucks TWICE and miss most (if not all) the performances. And you know what? Prom was pretty fun after all. *grins*

Yee Jin's mocha and my vanilla cream


Shin Ee

Jen Wai

Yee Jin

Katrin's something and my vanilla cream, again.

Kai Vin


Yee Teng
Grabbed from Facebook;

My fatty

My prom date

December 10, 2008

The Lians

I love how it's possible to call them The Lians and not offend anyone. Imagine this, The Koks. *shudders* Anyway, this is a long overdue update about our trip to Port Dickson (is it me or is this post getting crude?) and Cameron Highlands. But then again, i always cheat on the dates so you wouldn't know. But you just told them so now they know. You suck. Okay, shut up.

Quoted from Bertrand's nerdy wordy blog:
"We hung out with friends that we've known for years. Uber long. I have this photo of all of us when i was 6 or something. We honestly go way back. Haha. Yeah so we spent every night huddled in some hotel room, etc playing cards. Oh yeah and i forgot to mention laughing our asses off. We'd play 5 minutes of cards and laugh for the next 5 all the way till 3am before we just fell asleep. I just love it when i go overseas with friends. Just so damn fun haha. Damn i miss them already... can't wait for Christmas. They're coming over~"

I don't know how he does it. Put his experiences into words, i mean. All i remember is having really random fun and laughing so much i felt like dying. Like, seriously. When all 5 of us get together, it's chaotic. Even when it's just Berenice and i, it's crazyy. Read this;

Port Dickson. night. hotel room. talk. random flashes of light. scream. laugh. talk. random loud sound from above. freak out. laugh. talk. random words we got angsty over. angst angst angst. laugh. talk. talk. talk. talk. check time. 4.30. sleep. XD. Pavilion. shopping. burger earrings. bising-bising. (which means make a whole lot of noise, fyi) laugh. laugh. laugh. laugh. stomach ache. get high. or possibly drunk. SQUARE AND RED!! (inside joke) XD. Cameron Highlands. night. blanket. spot. laugh. laugh. laugh. laugh. LAUGH. at this point, i knew that any more laughing would result in an asthma attack. not that i have asthma but whatever. XD.

Wing Li, Bryan, Bertrand, Mei Li, Berenice
Wolverine, Flash, Ironman, Spiderman, The Hulk

live for the moments you can't put into words.

December 4, 2008


There are 2 things i should be blogging about but i'm just so damn lazyy.

Spot the differences?

December 2, 2008


30 days before SPM


[ml] marshmallow waffle -hs- cinammon waffle

28 days before SPM
Queen's Park Mall

Baskin Robbins with Qi Jun
who knew that laughing could hurt so much?

25 days before SPM
Starbucks and Sushi King

Vanilla cream
Sushi King
Prawn tempura
HIGH ON SUSHI!! *screams*

26 days before SPM

[ml] vanilla cream -hs- mocha frap

21 days before SPM
Queen's Park Mall

Peng Hwa
Pet shop

12 days before SPM

Cam-whoring nerdifying with py.

And going somewhat crazy with Qi Jun Ahahaha Zhee Ann dulanGuess who? *smiles weakly*

8 days before SPM
Queen's Park Mall and Jusco

Starbucks[ml] caramel -hs- vanilla creamJusco

7 days before SPM

-hs- peach tea
[ml] vanilla cream

6 days before SPM

StarbucksGreen tea frap

5 days before SPM

-hs- green tea frap [ml] vanilla cream
How did YOU prepare for SPM? *grins*